Research Bursary - Call for Applications 2024

The Irish Seed Trade Association is committed to the future of the Irish Tillage industry, the demand for native crops and supplying the highest quality certified seed to its customers.

We are re-opening an exciting opportunity for those committed to research and development in the sector. The bursary will support research and development work which will have a significant positive impact on the Irish tillage industry. It is open to applicants who will be supervised and supported by an organisation in their work and with whom a contract for delivery of the research will be agreed. The association is open to a project, report or postgraduate research (2 years masters ).

In the case of a Masters the bursary will be valued at €10,000 per year plus fees. Once off projects / report applications can apply for a maximum for €18,000 to be completed within an eighteen month period. Applications will be assessed on the potential value to the Irish Tillage Industry, relevance to the work of ISTA, value for investment and the capacity of the applicant to deliver.

ISTA is open to applications in excess of the budgeted bursary, where another funding source, to be agreed with the association, is available to fund the balance.

Applicants should down load and complete the following application form (click here) and submit to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. on or before the 30th April 2024.

Applicants may be shortlisted and be invited to meet ISTA to discuss the proposed research. Awards will be made at latest 9th May 2024 and research must commence within 6 months of that date. Calls for future projects will be made every 2-4 years depending on budget availability.

Enquiries to Brigid Quigley on 086-0822038 or by email <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.">This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>

Is your Cover Crop Seed tested for Grass Weeds ?

In Janaury 2023 members of The Irish Seed Trade Association launched a new Higher Voluntary Standard for Seed for Cover Crops, Arable Margins and similar mixes to play a further part in the control of grass weeds in our tillage crops. 

The Vast Majority of Seeds (straights) for cover crops, wild bird measures and other arable margins are imported. Where possible ISTA members will use Irish Certified Seed. ISTA Members assembling or importing Cover Crop Mixes or straights will ensure each lot is tested. This is an Internationally recognised Orange Certificate for presentation to the Department of Agriculture Officials ahead of sale or certification in the Republic of Ireland. The official search will include blackgrass, wild oats & sterile brome. Only ingredient lots with zero Blackgrass test results assembled/ imported by ISTA members will be used in mixtures for sale to Irish farmers.

Ensure you source tested by our members and labelled with the Higher Voluntary Standard. Download our information leaflet here. 

As always Irish Certified Blue Label Seed  for combinable crops is first generation seed, with a Higher Voluntary Standard due to our zero tolerance for Blackgrass in the field and in the seed.

Check out what you missed at our January seminars - re-cap with our short video. You can also review some of the slides from the seminars, with detailed pictures on weeds and standards. 

Identify Grass Weeds Slides

Learn more on Grass Weeds Slides

Variety Trials Open Day 2023

On Wednesday 28th June almost one hundred advisors and industry stakeholders joined us at The National Crop Variety Trials at Kildalton College, Piltown to view and learn about the continuous work carried out there by The Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine’s Crop Policy, Evaluation & Certification Division.

This visit gave all involved in the production of seed and supply chain partners a marvelous opportunity to understand the vital work undertaken to grow demand for native grains and develop new varieties suited to industry needs, that are environmentally and economically sustainable. This is ever more important as we reflect on food and feed security at home and abroad. Irish Certified Seed Assemblers pride themselves in having guaranteed quality product at the beginning of that process. They gave a detailed into all the varieties for recommendation, with over 300 varieties in trial accross all their sites. 

The seed division of DAFM work continually with our members (licensed assemblers of certified seed) on seed certification, alongside all their work of trialing and post control testing, culminating in the compilation of the DAFM recommended lists ahead of sowing seasons annually.

Oakpark 2023 Crops and Cover Crop Cultivations

The Irish Seed Trade had a stand at the Crops and Cover Crop Cultivations Open Day in Oakpark on 21st June. The event hosted by Teagasc in association with The Irish Farmers Journal saw a record crowd of over 3,000 go through the gates. All the current research was on show as attendees walked through the fields, including two projects currently being part funded by ISTA through our Research Bursary. One by Ciarán Collins on the N Requirment of crops after beans and another by Dr. Atikur Rahman on the incidence of Oats Mosaic Virus. 

Members welcomed farmer throughout the day for seed queries and the associations aim was to ensure awareness among farmers of the new Higher Voluntary standard bring implemented by members of The Irish Seed Trade for all cover crop seed and similar mixes. 

Several of our member companies were also represented at the Tillage Industry Ireland AGM, which took place in Oakpark earlier that morning. Minister for Agriculture Charlie McConalogue was present to hear the concerns and ideas of all present regarding the overalll aim to significantly increase the Irish area of tillage. Fair access to the land rental market, a recognition of the sustainability of sourcing Irish grain and protein and encouraging conversion from less profitable enterprises to tillage were among the topics for discussion along with challenges such as the Sustainable Use of Pesticides Regulatory proposals and the threats from grass weeds. 

ISTA AGM May 2023 elects Tim O'Donovan as President

At its AGM on April 26th in Roganstown House in North Dublin The Irish Seed Trade Association elected Mr. Tim O'Donovan, Technical Director of Seed Technology Ltd. as President for 2023-2025. Incoming Vice President is James Irish of Brett Brothers Ltd., Kilkenny. 

As part of their AGM members enjoyed a visit to the Hoey Collection of Machinery and were given an insight into the scale of the business from Michael Hoey of Country Crest, learning of the circular focus of the business in the locality. The challenges of arable and horticulture in the area, with poatoe sowing only started in late April this year. They also were hosted by Flynn's Tomatoes Swords, who showed a different business model to all the companies present.

The focus of the AGM was on investing the Research and Promotions funding to secure key learnings for the seed assemblers, to ensure greater awareness of the Irish Voluntary Standards adhered to by Irish Certified Seed and to promote the members new voluntary standard to test all cover crops straights and mixes coming into the country for grass weeds.   

Research Bursary - Call for Applications 2023

The Irish Seed Trade Association is committed to the future of the Irish Tillage industry, the demand for native crops and supplying the highest quality certified seed to its customers.

We are re-opening an exciting opportunity for those committed to research and development in the sector. The bursary will support research and development work which will have a significant positive impact on the Irish tillage industry. It is open to applicants who will be supervised and supported by an organisation in their work and with whom a contract for delivery of the research will be agreed. The association is open to a project, report or postgraduate research (2 years masters ).

In the case of a Masters the bursary will be valued at €10,000 per year plus fees. Once off projects / report applications can apply for a maximum for €18,000 to be completed within an eighteen month period. Applications will be assessed on the potential value to the Irish Tillage Industry, relevance to the work of ISTA, value for investment and the capacity of the applicant to deliver.

ISTA is open to applications in excess of the budgeted bursary, where another funding source, to be agreed with the association, is available to fund the balance.

Applicants should down load and complete the following application form (click here) and submit to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. on or before the 23rd June 2023.

Applicants may be shortlisted and be invited to meet ISTA to discuss the proposed research. Awards will be made at latest 21st July 2023 and research must commence within 6 months of that date. Calls for future projects will be made every 2-4 years depending on budget availability.

Enquiries to Brigid Quigley on 086-0822038 or by email <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.">This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>

Information from our January Seminars - Securing Future Standard & Supply for Arable Farming

Thank you to all who attended our 2023 Seminars  ‘The Irish Seed Trade Association - Securing Future Standard & Supply for Arable Farming’ over three days last week. 

 The morning opened with a look at the current markets, the threats and opportunities in the sector presented by Market Consultant Padraig Brennan. We welcomed John Mahon of Teagasc to develop our skills and knowledge in identifying and managing grass weeds, with a focus on Black Grass. The Department of Agriculture Seed Division reminded us of the seed standards and ISTA further explained the protocols under which its members certify and explain new measures the assemblers are introducing to deal with current challenges. The session finished with a panel discussion featuring a range of guest speakers chaired by Andy Doyle of The Irish Farmers Journal.

Check out what you missed or re-cap with our short video. You can also review some of the slides from the seminars, with detailed pictures on weeds and standards. 

Identify Grass Weeds Slides

Learn more on Grass Weeds Slides

January Seminars - Securing Future Standard & Supply for Arable Farming

We are delighted to invite you to our 2023 Seminars  ‘The Irish Seed Trade Association - Securing Future Standard & Supply for Arable Farming’


Tuesday 10th January – Talbot Hotel Clonmel

Wednesday 11th January –  Mount Wolseley, Tullow

Thursday 12th January – Knightsbrook Resort, Trim

They will run from 10:30-2:30 including lunch.

The morning will open with a look at the current markets, the threats and opportunities in the sector presented by Market Consultant Padraig Brennan. We will welcome John Mahon of Teagasc to develop our skills and knowledge in identifying and managing grass weeds, with a focus on Black Grass. The Department of Agriculture Seed Division will remind us of the seed standards and ISTA will further explain protocols under which its members certify and explain new measures the assemblers are introducing to deal with current challenges. The session will finish with a panel discussion featuring a range of guest speakers chaired by Andy Doyle of The Irish Farmers Journal.

Advance Registration for the purposes of gauging attendance would be appreciated by completing this form or emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or calling 01-5414445. 

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