In Janaury 2023 members of The Irish Seed Trade Association launched a new Higher Voluntary Standard for Seed for Cover Crops, Arable Margins and similar mixes to play a further part in the control of grass weeds in our tillage crops.
The Vast Majority of Seeds (straights) for cover crops, wild bird measures and other arable margins are imported. Where possible ISTA members will use Irish Certified Seed. ISTA Members assembling or importing Cover Crop Mixes or straights will ensure each lot is tested. This is an Internationally recognised Orange Certificate for presentation to the Department of Agriculture Officials ahead of sale or certification in the Republic of Ireland. The official search will include blackgrass, wild oats & sterile brome. Only ingredient lots with zero Blackgrass test results assembled/ imported by ISTA members will be used in mixtures for sale to Irish farmers.
Ensure you source tested by our members and labelled with the Higher Voluntary Standard. Download our information leaflet here.
As always Irish Certified Blue Label Seed for combinable crops is first generation seed, with a Higher Voluntary Standard due to our zero tolerance for Blackgrass in the field and in the seed.